Sunrise Sunset World Timings

by Little Angel



Check for sunrise & sunset time of any city in the world. Also you can check for a particular date for Sunrise & sunset time. Also search with location or city name.App Main Features: - Sunrise & Sunset times of full year.- Date picker feature to check when the sun will rise and set on particular date.- Civil, Astronomical and Nautical Sunrise Sunset times also available.- Sunrise & Sunset Alarms to help you to remember.- Location search feature to get Sunrise & sunset timing of particular location.- Find your search location details in history saved data.- Set your favorite location for a quick reference.- Date & Time setting like 24 Hour Time, Date format etc.- Various Alarm Settings like Snooze Interval, Vibration On/Off, Silence after interval,- Customize Alarm Ringtone of your choice.Quick & easy to get full details of Sunrise & Sunset timings of any city in the world. Also get Civil, Astronomical and Nautical Sunrise Sunset times.